Thursday, December 22, 2011


Hi there.

I started this blog in hopes to aid in the everyday gardener's quest for healthy, lively and fruitful plants.  I, myself, have had my fair share of problems with plants and their illnesses. This is my quest to remedy problems of past crops, and I hope to help you, reader, as well.  Please, if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or to email me. I will do my best to help.

A little background about my experience with gardening:

I come from a family of gardeners and landscapers. My grandfather and grandmother owned a landscaping business that started in the late '30's and their knowledge was carried on to their children. My uncle owned a successful landscaping business for most of his adult life until he passed away last year after a long struggle with cancer.  Though he is extremely missed, his memory lives on in the knowledge he passed along to family and friends. Thank you Uncle Jim.

I have been gardening for as long as I can remember with the help of my mother's hand. For the past few years my brother and I prepare and plant a VERY small vegetable garden (approximately 20' x 20') and a smaller herb garden (approx. 4' x 4').  I am familiar with Zone 5 plants, typically, but as questions arise, I hope to have answers for every area.

I am by no means an expert in any way. I have many years of learning ahead of me. However, I hope the information you find here is informative and will help you have a successful garden year after year.

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